Monday, May 2, 2011

Al Dar Islands

Summer is slowly creeping its way in this part of the globe. Succession of thunderstorm and sand storm heralds its coming in the Arabian Peninsula. While its allies – high humidity and high temperature , bring havoc at its peak, everybody frantically stays indoor and seek comfort in the arms of our dear friend – the Air Conditioning Units a.k.a. ACU’s.

But before Summer reigns over us, we sneaked our way to Al Dar Islands for a fun and leisure getaway experience. The overcast sky the day of our trip makes it more perfect as the remnants of overnight sandstorm filters the strong sunrays and made our trip just fine and bearable.

Early that day, we headed off to Al Dar Islands Beach Resort office located at Sitra Fishing Port. You can buy your tickets there or in our case we bought it ahead of time for reservation purposes. It is always better to call and make sure if they are open for business due to weather conditions or if they have private functions.

Once you have your ticket, wait for the van that conveys passengers to the Coast Guard's office. You need to register yourself on the day of your visit. Don't forget to bring your valid IDs (CPR, Passport copy or Driver's license).

On boarding the sea taxi, present your tickets to the boat captain. You will be provided with a lifejacket and will be required to wear it. Children from the age of 2 are also required to follow this safety rule. Enjoy the boat ride!

When you arrived at Al Dar Islands, present your tickets to the security staff at the entrance gate. Expect for some minor inspection of your belongings. No food and drinks are allowed so if you have any they will be removed from your bags. For more photos of my Al Dar Islands summer getaway, just CLICK HERE.

Avaha and Shalom

featured song from the '80s: CRUEL SUMMER by Bananarama (1983)

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