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Welcome to my The Holy Bible Series.
Our discipleship program at church will be studying Paul’s Pastoral Epistles to Colossae (Colossians) and his letter to Philemon. So instead of featuring the Gospel according to Matthew this week, just what I had promised from my last posting, I decided to feature these two letters of Paul.
On next week's posting, we will be talking about the Gospel according to Matthew. Just keep on reading your Bibles and be amazed at the goodness of God.
I am hoping that the uploaded audio material will be of great help to everyone. Furthermore, let me give you a short synopsis about these two letters .
Collosae was a town in Asia Minor (Turkey) east of Ephesus. This church had not been established by Paul, but reports regarding the increase of false teaching there had reached him while he was incarcerated in Rome. The false teaching stated that instead of Christ being the only mediator between God and man, there were certain angelic beings through whom man must also go in order to know God. Paul writes to oppose these teachings with the true Chistian message: the all-sufficiency of Christ, his full authority over all powers and the fullness of life he gives.
In this letter we’ll find that Onesimus, one of Philemon’s slaves, had stolen from his master and run away to Rome. In that great city he met Paul and became a Christian. Under Roman law, Philemon had the right to brand a returned slave and even kill him. Through this letter, Paul appealed to Philemon to be reconciled to his slave, whom Paul is sending back to him, and to welcome him not only as a forgiven slave but as a Christian brother.
On next week's posting, we will be talking about the Gospel according to Matthew. Just keep on reading your Bibles and be amazed at the goodness of God.
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