Monday, November 23, 2009
Mabuhay si Efren Penaflorida!
You made us proud. Mabuhay!
See related post here.
See awarding ceremony here.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A Mug of Coffee from South Africa
Collecting coffee mugs of this kind all started when one of my clients from Ayala-Alabang Subdivision flaunts her collection neatly stacked up in a cupboard in one corner of her kitchen. They were given emphasis inside the cupboard by the glistening reflections cause by the halogen lights installed within its enclosure. She’s been collecting these coffee mugs from countries that she’s been to. I could still remember how proudly she was telling anecdotes of her trips abroad that she associated with those mugs. I could see in her eyes how happy she was as she tells those stories.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

But just recently, actually about 5 months ago, something happened that convinced me to consider and believe that some things are better left unsaid. To view it in a better perspective, let me just say that anything I say (or do) can be held agaisnt me. Besides, I also have the right to remain silent so I better exploit it to my own advantage.
To conclude, at times, it is better to keep our mouth shut to keep the pesky bugs away.
Listen to Hall and Oates' Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid (1984)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A Repost To All the Ladies Out There
I would like to think that almost everyone of us, knew or have met someone who had died from breast cancer or had been inflicted with it. I, myself had a first cousin who passed away from this disease in 2004 and the irony was, she was a nurse. I thought to myself, she should have known better in terms of its early detection, but it turned out she was not :(
Alarmingly, the Philippines ranked number 1 with the highest prevalence of breast cancer in Asia (Source: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2004). Chances are, 22 females out of 100 females and 1 male for every 105 males may be diagnosed with breast cancer in the Philippines. On a personal note, it is very hard to comprehend for a man to have this kind of disease but the statics cleary show that it is a disease that knows no boundaries, in regardless of someone's gender for that matter.
Just like any cancer, breast cancer is curable if you catch it early. Sadly, a lot of Filipinas with breast problems always consult with their doctors when it is too late and at this point, the cancer is most often at an advanced stage mainly due to the following reasons:
- economic factors.
- non-awareness of the gravity of breast cancer
- fear of being diagnosed with cancer.
Here's an excellent video on how to do a BREAST SELF EXAMINATION (BSE), just be sure to turn on your speakers; it will teach you the step-by-step procedures of BSE.
This video may contain content that is inappropriate for some readers. Please bear in mind that this has been posted to educate and to inform everyone on the early detection of breast cancer.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
An American Reflection on the Philippines-pt 2
Read Part 1 HERE.
I've been off from the Philippines for almost seven years now. For that period of time, I've been to Saudi Arabia, UAE and presently here in Bahrain. Being in these countries, it is inevitable to meet different people from different nationalities. Majority of them are from south Asia - India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, etc.
Sadly, being in constant connection with them, be it at work or in public places, some Filipinos had conceived some prejudices towards them. Some are funny, some are true, but most of them are just plain preconceived notions.
This made me into thinking if how are these people thought of ourselves in return? With that question in mind I would like to share with you this video made by whitedragonawa, wherein he talks about his reflections about the Philippines. He went to our country to do some missionary works for a period of six weeks. He is a white guy but claims that he is 100 percent pure Pinoy by heart (notice the shirt he is wearing).
Mabuhay! Welcome to Third World Philippines.
"Majority are urban poor living in squatters area. The kind of houses they live in is ridiculous. Totally inhumane. But they survive. They just don't give up."
Talaga lang huh?
"Friendship and family mean everything. It is like a medicine that eases the pain and sufferings of life."
Kain na tayo.
"People are loving and caring. They give you rice. You come in. They give you food. They give eventhough they don't have anything to give."
Kasi mga uzisero sila.
"In the US, people like to be isolated from each other, but in the Philippines they like to be close together."
Si Yaya.
"They don't want to call their helpers as "servants" (katulong). Because it's kinda strong word."
O sa'yo na lang 'tong t-shirt ko ha?
"A lot of kids just wear shirts (maybe its a hand-me-down from his kuya)not knowing what the printed word on it means about." - Referring to a kid he saw in a supermarket wearing a SUFFOCATION shirt (whatever it is).
Si Bantay, si muning at kung anu-ano pa.
Cool and Exciting. Hahaha :)"There are lots of stray dogs, cats and frogs in the streets. There are bats zooming around at nights."
"There are lizards in almost every house. Cockroaches are all over the place. But its cool and exciting."
For more Youtube videos by whitedragonawa click HERE.
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Listen to the collective messages of Indian Evangelist Bro. Zach Poonen (in mp3 format below) as he talks about the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Mark, and if it challenges you, you may open your Bible and explore it further.
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This Gospel was written by John Mark, an associate of the apostles and mentioned in the writings of Paul and Luke. The Gospel, aimed at the Gentile (non-Jewish) reader, sets forth Jesus as the mighty worker and records many miracles He performed.
Taken in full from Bill Bright’s Campus Crusade for Christ (Ten Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Arnel Pineda's Journey
The Journey had several hits during the 80s. But the most popular among them was the song “Open Arms” which was revived by pop diva Mariah Carey in 1996. I remember it so well when this song was made as a love theme for Janice de Belen and JC Bonnin in the hit tv soap opera FLORDELUNA. I was a budding teenager at that time, kaya medyo may kilig factor na ‘yong mga eksena.LOLZ.
Listen now to Journey's Open Arms (1982)
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
I Voted for Efren Penaflorida
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I Survived Typhoon Ondoy
I guess the best decision for me in this kind of a situation is to just stay-put in a safer and higher grounds and just be a mere spectator of those people passing by. Look at those men in front of the PhilHealth branch office, mga uzis.LOLZ.
Thank God I survived the wrath of Typhoon Ondoy. Eventhough I was not there to experience it first hand, I could feel the worries and pain our kababayans had went through. My deepest symphaties and with much prayers goes to the victims of Ondoy a.k.a Ketsana, who as of this writing is pouring much rain in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Shocking Youth Message
Is our youth group really saved? Listen to this preaching and think about it.
A very appropriate and timely preaching for the youth of today. This is a very strong message Paul Washer preached in a 2002 youth conference in front of a 5000 audience. Listen to what made him say,
"I don't know why you're clapping? I'm talking about you. I didn't
come here to get "amens". I didn't come here to be applauded. I'm talking about you."Listen to this preaching now
Download this episode (right click and save)
download the video HERE.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
An American Reflection on the Philippines-pt 1
The video made me anticipate to see some foreigner commenting various funny remarks about some of our exotic food. True enough, the guy on the video ate balut,dinuguan and pig intestines in a side street carinderia. The way his Filipino companion describe balut is hilarious when he (the Filipino guy) said:
See part 2 of this blog as I made some comments in one of his videos where he made certain funny remarks about his experiences while he's in the Philippines.
Hell's Best Kept Secret
There was a film showing at our church last Eid Holiday, partly as one of the activities organized for our congregation here at Bahrain. We've watched this short video after the main film feature was shown. It differs from the way we're taught from our church on how to share the Gospel of Christ to unbelievers. I would like to share it with you and decide for yourselves if you want to use it as a new method in winning souls to the kingdom of God.
This is the second video in the "Way of the Master Basic Training Course," an eight-week Christian evangelism curriculum hosted by actor Kirk Cameron and author Ray Comfort. Their Web site is at
The video declares that 80-90% of those making a "decision for Christ" fall away from the faith? Why the Church neglected it? Learn the principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, Jesus, the apostles, and prophets used to reach the lost. Don't let anything stop you from watching this incredible teaching.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Anak

Saturday, September 12, 2009
the Saliendras in Manila Ocean Park
Entrance to the Sentosa Underwater World
"I got to be there."
That's what I exclaimed to myself after I saw a tv documentary about it several years ago when I was still in the Philippines. It made me yearn to be in that place and feel the sublime experience of walking on the ocean floor surrounded by the creatures of the deep without actually getting wet!

Surely, the Saliendras never mind queuing for a couple of hours just to be there. We enjoyed it so much and Marcus was so ecstatic to be surrounded by the creatures of the deep. Being an aquarist myself, I made sure to include it in my to-do-list during my vacation in the Philippines last June.

With its size, the 8,000 square meter Oceanarium is now recognized to be the largest in Asia, beating Sentosa's 6,000 square meter! The whole structure is spacious enough to accomodate an estimated population of 10,000 visitors daily.
Features 8 freshwater fishtanks with fishes
mostly imported from the South America.
The exhibit is in a rainforest set-up.
With 48 tanks on display, it showcases
different artificial coral setup. Here, you kind find Nemo frolickingaround sea anemone.
LAOT (Fishing Ground)
It's a very dark hall.
Main feature on display is the eagle-spotted ray in a very long tank.
(Living Ocean)
Showcases marine animals found in the deepest part of Philippine waters.
Display different variaties of stingrays as they "fly" over you while you're under this unique Overhanging Tanks.
Features several species of sharks.
For a fee, you can ride on this boat and view the fishes below the BUHAY NA KARAGATAN exhibit tank.
Nature's best pal for those tired sore feet. The swimming creatures eat all those dead skin cells on your feet to their own delight.
God has given us these creatures from the sea and the Manila Ocean Park provided the facilities for us to appreciate them in full view. But seeing them in their full glory doesn't end there, for the Manila Ocean Park's mission is to raise awareness among the general public about the present status of the different ecosytem that these animals come from. We may consider them to be the ambassador of their own species to assure the continuous existence of their own kind in this place we called EARTH - our home and their homes too.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Bab Al Bahrain
When it was originally designed by Sir Charles Belgrave in 1945, it housed the government offices of the time and overlooked the sea. The sea has long been reclaimed. Government Avenue, which runs alongside Bab Al Bahrain, and the new highway that leads to Saudi Arabia were built on reclaimed land. Currently, the Bahrain Financial Harbor is being constructed on further reclaimed land.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Collossians and Philemon

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In this letter we’ll find that Onesimus, one of Philemon’s slaves, had stolen from his master and run away to Rome. In that great city he met Paul and became a Christian. Under Roman law, Philemon had the right to brand a returned slave and even kill him. Through this letter, Paul appealed to Philemon to be reconciled to his slave, whom Paul is sending back to him, and to welcome him not only as a forgiven slave but as a Christian brother.
On next week's posting, we will be talking about the Gospel according to Matthew. Just keep on reading your Bibles and be amazed at the goodness of God.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Book of John
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Welcome to my new blog series I entitled The Holy Bible. I will be presenting synopsis about the different books that comprise the greatest book ever written on earth. For my initial presentation I will be presenting the Gospel according to John.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Being What You Are
"Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come."
Thursday, August 20, 2009
the Saliendras in Tagaytay City

Marcus had so much fun that day. The trip indeed was a refreshing threat for the three of us. Come and explore Tagaytay City, and enjoy what it has to offer.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Pag-ibig sa Buhay ng Isang Pastor
Thursday, August 13, 2009
American Idol vs. So U Think U Can Dance
Gotta Go. It's getting late...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Metro Manila-Metro Guapo
In the span of my entire 30 day vacation in the Philippines last June, it is inevitable to travel along this highway as I went to several government agencies in acquiring my son's authenticated birth certificate. It is so apparent to notice the foot bridges and waiting sheds at every bus stops alongside the road.

MMDA's footbridge at the Quezon Ave.-EDSA intersection

Walking over at MMDA's footbridge

You have to fall in line according to your destination at the MMDA's bus stop waiting shed. It has its loading and unloading slots and commuters are contained within the fence. No more pedestrian beyond the street gutter.
I've been to Hong Kong several years ago, and I am amazed of their road networks and transportation system. Buses come and go on schedule. Pedestrians are well disciplined and orderly as they walked along the busy streets of downtown Hong Kong.
With Sec. Fernando's dedication and vision, it is a pleasure to have him leading MMDA in making Metro Manila a global oriented metropolis for I do believe that we Filipinos deserve to have a world class city that we can be proud of and can be compared to other major Asian cities. Don't you think so?
His projects may have heap negative reactions among city dwellers but I believe that such undertakings from any public servants, for that matter, should have an impact to the majority, if not to all, in the improvement of the quality of life of the Filipino people.
Yet much work still needs to be done. Let's take it one step at a time.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Marcus Chronicles: 9th Month Birthday

Happy Birthday Marcus. I love you anak..